Terms and conditions (english)

2 Calls for selection of Ex Libris for:  
         Biblioteca De La Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Library of the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Córdoba).

        Biblioteca de la Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Library of the Faculty of Arts, National University of Córdoba).

We invite local, national and international community to participate in the realization of an ex libris
representing the Biblioteca de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
(Library of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Cordoba) and another one
representing the Biblioteca de la Facultad de Medicina (Library of the Faculty of Arts) at the same
university. The participation in only one call will not be out of competition. The contest is convened
by Universidad Nacional de Córdoba with guarantees of the aforementioned faculties and this
regulation is valid for both calls.
1. Participants must be over 18 years old.

2. Participants can compete with two (2) signed stamps, unframed for each call and a maximum of
three (3) works proposed for each call. Those will not be returned to the participants, the works will
become part of the collection of the libraries that give rise to this call and will be used for cultural

3. The stamps submitted must have a maximum size of 13 cm x 13 cm. The paper base of the image
should not exceed 20 x 20 cm. On the back of the image the following information should be
written in pencil: name of the author, technique, year of completion, postal address, digital address,
phone number.
4. Attach to the parcel a conceptual riview or a descriptive memory of the work/s, not exceeding
150 words, and the registration form.

5. It is essential that the stamp includes some of the phrases: "ex libris" or "soy de" and "Facultad de
Medicina" and "Facultad de Artes", respectively, being the representative image of the institution.

6. All printing techniques are accepted; and reproduction, to be included in the books is permitted.

7. This call will be valid from November 1st 2016 to June 30th 2017. This call will be widely
disseminated using all available media at UNC and the respective faculties.

8. Works will be received at Biblioteca de Ciencias Médicas, located at Haya de la Torre st., 2nd
floor, Pabellón Argentina, indistinctly: by mail or may be delivered personally to that adress.

9. For the reception will take into account the postmark. The works received after the deadline will
not be accepted.

10. The organizers will not be responsible for the delay, loss or damage that may occur during
shipment of the works.

11. The judges' decision is final and for evaluation criteria, it will be taken into account that the ex
libris is a picture of small dimensions that is used to identify the ownership of books, a vehicle of
aesthetic expression of cultural value that unites book with engraving and printed art.

12. A qualified jury will evaluate, in mid-August, the works received and select an ex libris
representing each library. The two ex libris winners will receive a prize of $ 7,500 (seven thousand
five hundred pesos) each. They may also be granted honorable mentions.

13. The results will be comunicated via e-mail.

14. All participants will receive a certificate stating that the submitted works are part of the cultural
heritage of the organizing libraries.

15. It is understood that participants and winners donate reproduction rights.

16. The awards ceremony is also to include the time of exposure of the ex libris participants at the
Universidad Nacional de Córdba during the first week of September 2017.

17. An electronic catalog will be created nd sent via e-mail.

18. All necessary precautions to comply with these regulations should be taken and participation in
this competition implies acceptance of these rules and the waiver of claims. Any circumstances not
covered by the preceding rules shall be resolved by the organization of the call.

19. For more information consult the library of the Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
bfcmcb@biomed.fcm.unc.edu.ar and Facultad de Artes biblioteca@artes.unc.edu.ar

20. Links:

Contact Mail: convocatoriaexlibriscordoba@gmail.com

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